Font Size

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This tab of the Options screen lets you define the font size used on the individual printers


Select Printer

Select the printer that you wish to manage the fonts for from the list of printers on the left.


Normal Print

Normal Print is used mostly for items (PLUs and Modifiers) on a kitchen or bar check.


Large Print

Large Print is used mostly for the header at the top of the kitchen or bar check.


Print Width

Print width is used to select the number of characters on a line.

Wide Font will use 33 characters on a line in single wide size, or 16 characters in double wide size.

Narrow Font will use 40 characters on a line in single wide size, or 20 characters in double wide size.


Print Size

Print size is used to determine how big the characters are.

Characters can be categorized by their width and height. Double high characters will print in the space of two characters high. Double wide characters will print in the space of two characters wide.


Some combinations of character width, and character size may cause the paper cut to occur across text. If this occurs the "Line feeds before paper cut" option can be increased to force the paper to feed before cutting.


Some combinations of character width, and character size may cause particularly long descriptions, or items showing prices, to wrap to the next line. 




Print Sample

This button will send a sample check to the printer that is selected, with the font sizes that have been selected. Checking the "Show prices on sample" check will create a sample check that has prices included (Used in mainly with pizza delivery)



Default Values

Resets the selected printer to the standard values.