Remote Print Options

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Print Job Config works in tandem with Product Items. Each items is assigned a "Print Category" during programming. This tells the item which "Remote" printers to print to such as the "Hot Line", "Salad Printer" or "Bar".   In Print Job Config, the printers are assigned and the print categories are set to print to that specific printer.


Example: A Shrimp Caesar would need to go to the "Hot Line" and "Salad Printer" because different areas of the kitchen prepare different parts of this dish.


In the Product item, enter a print category. Using this example, Print Category #4 was decided.




In Print Job Config the "Hot" line is told to print any items with Print Category 4 attached to it. The "Salad" line is also told to print Category 4.  This is done with an "ON/ OFF" feature per printer.


Some items will only go to one printer such as bar items. In that example, Print Category on bar items is 2 and the Print Job "Bar 1" has Print Category 2 "ON"




The more "Remote" printers at a location, the more print jobs there can be.


To name a "Print Job" click on the section "Print Job Name" and type the name of the remote printer. The more common the name, the easier to work within the print job section.  For Bar Remote printers, use only the bar names are listed.


NOTE: Print Category 8 is reserved for items that print to the guest receipt only.



Print Job Name:

This is the name that will print on top of the remote print job.

Bar-1 through Bar-4 will determine which bar the remote print  job will print to. Remember that in Job Code Config/Bar Printing, assign Bar-1 through Bar-4 to each job code.


Sushi will use the Sushi lowest and highest table numbers located in the "Restrictions" tab. Enter the lowest and highest sushi bar table numbers so when the sushi print job prints it will be restricted for the patrons sitting at the sushi bar.



Enter the lowest and highest sushi bar table numbers so when the sushi print job prints it will be restricted for the patrons sitting at the sushi bar.  Remember to use the drop down box and name the print job Sushi to utilize these settings. Set both to 0 to disable this function.





Print to Printer:

Select printer p1 through p8, self requisition or none. This is assigned in Win-EZ printing at hardware installation.


Template Style:

Select the Win-EZ default style or show with seat numbers or prices. Choose "alternate description" for alternate languages or abbreviations.


Show Customer Information:

This will allow printing of customer information on the requisition if their is a customer on the check.


Course Lines & Item Arrangement:

This will arrange the items on the requisition. The following options are available:

Print All Items

This will print the items in the order they were entered in.

By Category

This will print items by category (all of 1 then 2 etc.) and  will include print category 0 for every print category printed  to be used for the course line.


This will print items by category (all of 1 then 2 etc.) and  will not include print category 0 for every print category printed  to be used for the course line.


This will roll up like items and display a quantity number.


Print Categories 1-9:

This will determine which print categories will print on the remote requisition as explained above.


Add On Category:

This will allow the addition of one extra print category on the print job but only if there are items in the standard categories to print at the time of printing. Example: With 2 printers, a pizza line and a hot line: hot items to go to the pizza line but only if there are pizzas on the order too. Set the standard item for the pizza print job to the pizza print category and set the add on category to the print category for the hot items.


Bump Split Screen:

This will allow up to two print jobs to print to the same bump monitor. Select top, bottom or full screen if split screen is not being used. The split screen selection must also be made in VPEN.exe by pressing {F10} on

the bump monitor affected. Once at the configuration screen use the space bar to toggle on split screen.