The Top Tool Bar |
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As with any Windows based program Win-EZ Manager has a Tool Bar. Each function is described below.
The File Button
Open: In a dealer setting or multi store, this may be used to open different profiles already created. Save: This option will save all the current setting made to the application. Print: Using this option will print the report that is currently displayed. Profile: This will open directly to the profile screen found under Settings Button. Shortcuts: This will navigate directly to the shortcuts screen found under the Settings Button. Zip: This can be used to quickly use back up the Win-EZ Application. Choices are given of what information will be zipped up. Clicking the full back-up box will automatically take the Client, Data, Reports, Inventory, and Checks directories. Exit: This can be chosen to exit out of Win-EZ Manager and shut the program down.
The Edit Button - These buttons can be used on either the Product screen, the Staff screen, or the Reports screen.
New: This will open the window to create a new "item". Modify: This will open the modify window of the highlighted item, if applicable. Delete: This will delete whatever item is highlighted.
The Maintain Button
These menu options will navigate directly to the section that they are named after.
The Reports Button
These menu options will navigate directly to the report section that they are named after.
The Help Button
About Win-EZ Manager: This will display the current version of software that is operating and other information. Table of Contents: This will open the in program help feature. License: This will open a window to display current license information. Web: A shortcut to launch the POS Support web site. |