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From this tab you can view all of the surveys that member have taken.


Month Selection- The drop down box in the lower left of the screen contains a list of months that contain surveys.  Select a month to view all of the completed surveys for that month.

Surveys can be created in the settings tab. Each survey contains 5 questions in 4 main categories: Food, Service, Value and Experience. The top bar shows the grand total of scores for all returned surveys this month.  Below the average bar is a list of each survey and its corresponding account information.  The box on the left lists all vital information of that the account member, while the box on the right shows individual section scores, check amount, server name, and pros and cons of the last visit. On the right side of the box are 2 very important buttons, reply and detail.  Their functions are as follows:


Reply: Selecting this button will display a new window that will allow you to create an email in response to the survey.


Detail: Selecting this button will expand the line to display the full detail of the survey.